Bio Oko celebrates

...and has prepared 15 small kindness for you

Bio Oko is a popular one hall cinema in Letná. Through the year, we organize our own film festivals such as Little Eyes, Diáky Festival, Summer at Bio Oko with...

In 2024 we will celebrate 15 years since we took over the cinema. We are delighted that you continue to support the Bio Oko, so we have prepared 15 small kindness for you. We didn't name the event this way by accident...

Take a look at all the kindness we've prepared for you so you don't miss a single one (we'll add one every weekday):

1. Preview of movie Kind of Kindness on September 8th

2. Lanthimos in Oko from September 8th to 13th 

3. 15 fans for free (only August 28th)

4. Theatre play He, Who Could Have Changed the World with usher Josef Fojt on September 16th

5. Bio Oko merch 15% off

6. Win a one-year membership to My Cinema Club

7. Preview of movie Substance on September 21st

8. Win 3x two tickets for preview screening of Kind of Kindness

9. Visit a Projectionist Room on September 9th

10. PŠE NEJ! B-Day Sour Ale made from wheat in Raven Brewery

11. Donating merch from our warehouse to Archdiocesan Caritas Prague

12. Snacks from the Bio Letná shop for children at Creative Workshop by Aeroškola

13. Comfortable pillows from LEJAAN on Baby Bio cycle projections

14. Win 15x 2 tickets to Bio Oko

15. New cinema videospot